Many hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous, but the LORD rescues him from them all. Psalm 34:19 AMP. 

What we focus on grows. Since I know that hardships and perplexing circumstances are part of life; it’s in my best interest (and therefore the best interest of those around me), that I focus on God’s promise to rescue me from them all.

In 2017, I read a book by Jeff Vanderstelt, titled Gospel Fluency. Jeff recommends three questions to ask ourselves during hardships and perplexing circumstances:

  1. Who is God right now?
  2. What has He done for me?
  3. Who am I as a result?

Answering these questions:

  • Redirects my focus away from self-pity and problems.
  • Reminds me of who God is, and what He’s done.
  • Reveals where my perception isn’t aligned with the Truth.
Meme_ God Rescues Us from Hardships_ Vinsky 2002. Blog_PNG
Photo by Vinsky 2002

When crisis and trials come, I may become emotional, and that is when these questions center me on Jesus. For example, I could be tempted to think that the answer to question 1 is: “God isn’t for me,” or “How could God let this happen?” But as soon as those thoughts or words come out of my mouth, I am aware that my thinking is faulty; because God already told me in His Word, that trials and testings are part and parcel to life, and that

He will rescue me from them.

As I move to question 2, I ask God’s forgiveness, and am more God-focused than problem-focused. And remembering who God is, and what He’s already done for me in trying times, renews my trust and faith. Praise and faith break forth!

Now question 3 is my continuation of the praise that developed as I answered the second question. Who I am as a result of who God is in my life, and what He has done; is a daughter dearly loved by the King of Kings. A daughter that is thankful once more that her heavenly Father was with her all the way through the trial, and caused her faith and trust to grow as a result.

Maybe you are in the midst of a trial, just learned bad news, or are thinking of your own experiences with Jehovah God rescuing you. Either way, isn’t it good to know that even our ‘nightmare’ experiences are never wasted? His promise to us who believe:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV. Click here if you would you like to have relationship with God.


Jacquie ♥

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