In this life there are trials to bear
We cry sometimes scream, sensing no one there.
Have we come all this way to be let down?
Or is there a hope contradicting a frown?
Life has its joys and incredible journeys,
Outrageous odysseys and prayerful pleas;
Seeking and searching we drop to our knees.
Is there more to this life which we have perceived?
Can we look to the heavenlies not being deceived?
Long are the walks - we unclutter our mind,
Downloading hurts as we commence to unwind.
And now carefully, calmly we seek out the truth,
Being prompted by love which comforts and soothes.

As we navigate life’s journey of ups and downs, we need
desperately to remember to breathe, pray, and look up.
I wrote this five years ago while going through testing
times, and pray that this encourages you that you never
walk alone. Hebrews 13:5b-6, promises that [God] will
never leave or forsake us. “So we may boldly say: ‘The
LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do
to me?”’

As our children face inevitable journey issues, we teach
them to hold up a hand, and with each finger of their hand
beginning with the baby finger, to say:
“God – Will – Never – Leave – Me.” One word per
finger. When they are in difficulty, they can remind
themselves that God is with them, that they are never alone;
and neither are you.

I hope you share this hope-filled promise with the children
in your life.
Jacquie ♥

Feature Image by Jose Alba