Thank you so much Joshua, for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award, you are a constant source of encouragement, and I love that your favorite Irish Hymn is “Be Thou My Vision.” Please visit and follow Joshua’s enjoyable blog at: Joshua Swanson!!!

The Rules for this Award:
1. Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger Recognition Award. Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post.
2. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
3. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
4. Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for this award, and inform them of their nomination.

How My Blog Started…

I have written for two blogs over the past few years. The first blog was my practice outlet, which was written through my “counselor lens” on healing, wholeness, and encouragement. Joy Cottage, is the result of my husband and I relocating and finding joy in our journey as well as our new destination – our home which we dubbed “Joy Cottage.” Joy has always been a favorite fruit of the Spirit, and the time seemed right to make it my theme if you will.

My heart is to encourage those around me, and I have found great joy in being in this community. I am grateful for each one who visits, and hopefully receives encouragement in some form from what I write; and for this I say, “To God be the glory!” ♥

Here are my two tips…

  1. Write about what’s important to you. As you share your heart, there will be others who share in your experience which will be mutually soul-nourishing.
  2. To make the most of your time as a blogger, visit and follow others and make friends with them! I am having the best time reading/liking/ and commenting on other’s posts which speak to my heart.

I hereby nominate these five writers whom I hope all who read this will drop by and see what they have to say.

Dear nominated friends, may this nomination serve as an encouragement for you to keep writing; we need your perspective, wisdom, and heartfelt insight. Blessings ♥

Linda Colby: Linda writes from the heart – you will be encouraged.

From A Spark to A Flame: Here you will find transparent, down to earth, wisdom for every day.

Keziah: Is a young woman who shares her experience with love and transparency.

Dawn: Will encourage you in the Word, as well as in your journey.

Elisha: A young missionary in Africa, whose heart is open to God’s leading.